Upower acknowledges that our program sites reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

Upower Awarded Significant Grant

May 25, 2017

Upower Awarded Significant Grant


We’re thrilled to announce Upower is a recipient of Best Starts for Kids Healthy and Safe Environments – a grant funded by King County to increase access to physical activity and create safe and health promoting environments.

This award guarantees a continued working relationship with Interagency Academy for the next 18 months, allowing us to retain a Upower staff member on-site at Southeast Campus and to expand our program offerings across several IA locations! A testament as to why our daily presence at Interagency is important:

“Monday was a desk day for me. Teachers and students dropped by to say hello, with some asking if I could teach a Upower class. Turned out some teachers were out sick that day and that created a disturbance in the much needed routine. It was great to be there to offer a last minute outlet for students as well as teachers.” – Kate Holman, Upower Program Director



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