Upower acknowledges that our program sites reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

We’re Back Better Than Ever

June 2, 2022

Upower Programs are Back and Better than Ever!

As this 2021-2022 school year comes to an end Upower reflects on our programs post Covid-19 pandemic and our impact in the community. Upower has continued our coalition work with King County Play Equity Coalition and participated as a liaison for justice involved youth in Moving in Solidarity Youth Coalition; both coalition work is focusing on youth policy change. Additionally, the youth from King County Juvenile Detention Center are influencing our curriculum development as they work alongside Upower staff.  We’ve successfully provided 750 hours of programming across 5 Upower sites, launched our Train the Trainer program virtually and in person without a Covid outbreak from our programs!

Upower Sites

2021-2022 School Year:

1. Echo Glen Children’s Center

Despite Covid restrictions and outbreaks, Upower provided 12 classes per week to youth incarcerated at Echo Glen.

2. King County Juvenile Detention Center (KCJDC)

Upower continued our partnership with KCJDC providing 9 classes per week as a part of the youth’s school day.

3. Choice Academy

Upower continued our partnership with Highline School District, providing 4 classes per week to students at Choice Academy.

4.Interagency Academy

Upower was excited to continue our partnership with Interagency Academy serving students at Queen Anne School of Recovery and Beacon Girls School. 

Summer 2022:

1.Echo Glen Children’s Center

Upower will be continuing our programming 3 days a week providing 15 classes per week for youth incarcerated at Echo Glen.

2.King County Juvenile Detention Center (KCJDC)

Upower will continue programming KCJDC throughout the summer. We will be providing 9 classes per week for youth incarcerated at KCJDC.

3.Sea Mar Renacer

Upower will be relaunching programming in partnership with Sea Mar Renacer, a youth treatment center. We will be providing 2 classes per week to get youth playing!

4. High Point

Upower is partnering with Seattle Housing Authority at High Point in West Seattle for the second summer. We will be providing 4 classes per week to children and youth living in the community, running 3 on 3 tournaments.

5.YouthCare’s Casa de los Amigos

Upower is excited to be serving migrant youth again this summer! We will be providing 2 classes per week for YouthCare’s Casa de los Amigos.

6. Yesler Community Center

New program alert! Upower is partnering with Seattle Housing Authority to serve youth at Yesler Community Center, providing summer basketball tournaments 4 hours per week.

Train the Trainer

Upower continued our Train the Trainer: Trauma-Informed Coaching training program throughout 2022. To date we have trained undergraduate students at Seattle University, staff at Boys & Girls Club King County, and hosted 2 online training sessions FREE to the public. Be on the lookout for more training opportunities or email Noel at noel@u-power.org to schedule a training session with your team!





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