Upower acknowledges that our program sites reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

2018 Highlights

December 27, 2017

2018 Highlights

We Grew, Held an Epic Fundraiser, and Received Community Recognition.

Upower’s 2018 was quite a year! It marked the addition of two new locations, King County Juvenile Detention and University District Youth Center – thus tripling the number of classes we offer. Meanwhile, we continued serving teens across multiple Interagency Academy campuses and at Highline CHOICE Academy.
With growth in our programming came growth in our trauma-informed coaching practices and, in partnership with Up2Us Sports, we added six incredible coaches: Leighla, Kristine, Zo, Keira, Char, and Sarah.

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2018 will be remembered as a breakthrough year in the history of our annual fundraiser, Dodge For A Cause. We held our largest dodgeball tournament yet and wildly surpassed previous years in funds raised. It was a special night of friendly competition all in support of Upower’s vision to empower teens through health and fitness.

Also in 2018, King County Public Health recognized our coaching practices by detailing Upower’s trauma-informed fitness program inside Juvenile Detention. Please click here to read the full article.

Happy New Year! We’re excited to see what 2019 brings!



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