Upower acknowledges that our program sites reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

Adding JD Classes Expand Our Services Dramatically

February 12, 2018

New Location Adds 23 Classes!

At the close of 2017, we added 23 classes to serve teens in The King County Juvenile Division (Juvenile Detention), tripling the total amount of classes we offer.

Juvenile Detention is part of the Interagency Academy network. We are excited about expanding our partnership with IA and providing 120 new teens access to Upower classes!

At Juvenile Detention, we take a unique approach to fitness and wellness that offers incarcerated teens an age-appropriate, therapeutic physical and emotional outlet to help them cope with trauma and build toward their future.

Through structured workouts and team building games – that emphasize social confidence, positive identity, discipline, future focus, and leadership skills – we teach healthy habits and applicable tools for our students to utilize when facing adversity.

The JD teens have welcomed our well-defined program and have given us 100% participation from the start. They say they love Upower and look forward to coming to class! Plus they think the coaches are pretty cool.

We are pleased with this very positive feedback as well as the positive results we’ve noticed in such a short time. These are nice confirmations that Upower is filling a needed gap in our community. We look forward to fostering this relationship and furthering our work at JD.



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