Upower acknowledges that our program sites reside on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

Angie & Sua get extra credit!

May 16, 2016

Angie & Sua Get Extra Credit!

Upower helps Interagency Beacon teens through many fitness activities such as boot camp-style workouts, yoga, running, weightlifting, tennis and even hip-hop dancing! As we provide new and varied ways to be active, a passion for fitness has stirred in some that extends beyond what we do.

Take Angie and Sua for example. Best friends who now make exercising part of their daily routine. By motivating each other, Angie and Sua stay enthused about getting fit and look for ways to make it happen — like borrowing Upower jump ropes to keep up their cardio outside of class.

We’ve notice a boost in their confidence levels along with a genuine desire to be healthier. Equally important, Angie and Sua have fun exercising!

Their spirit seems to be contagious. Others are following their lead and participating more in class activities. Keep up the good work girls!

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